
Thanks for contacting the World Warfare support team.
World Warfare has three distinct categories: Air, Ground and Naval and each type of unit has a different functionality.
Ground- These are your primary source of attack and defense when first starting out. Note, that you must first produce the armament for these units and then you can train them within your army base.
1. Infantry units are primarily use to capture a building after it has been destroyed.
2. Recon vehicles are used to reveal an enemy's units and buildings.
3. Medium tanks are light armor vehicles used to attack an enemy's ground units and buildings.
4. Anti-tank units are specifically designed for attacking enemy tanks.
5. Artillery units are used for long-range attacks against an enemy.
6. Heavy tanks are heavily armed units used to attack an enemy's ground units and buildings.
7. Anti-Aircraft guns are units used to attack enemy aircrafts.
8. Motorized infantry units are used to capture buildings and villages and have the same sight range as recon vehicles.
1. Scout aircraft units the official air's recon vehicle version.
2. Transport aircraft units are used to mobilize units, but do not transport tanks.
3. Bomber units are used for  air-to-ground attacks.
4. Fighter units are used for air-to-air attacks.
5. Large transport aircraft units are used to transport all ground units to another location or destination.
1. Fletcher-class-destroyer units attack an enemy's ground units and buildings.
2. Cleveland-class-cruiser are units used to attack an enemy's ground and air units.
3. Military-transport-ship units are used to transport units.
4. North-Carolina-battleship units are used for attacking enemy ground units and buildings, and currently has the longest range in the game.
Note- The amount of units you have at any given time is based on your overall battle level. You can increase your level by building, capturing territory, killing an enemy's units and destroying buildings.)